
Friday, January 30, 2015

Has the Season Deflated?

Super Bowl XLIX is tomorrow, and honestly I'm not excited at all. The Seahawks and the Patriots are the last town standing and I don't like either of them. But of course I'm pulling for the Patriots because everyone knows how much I love the Seahawks...
Even though these teams are already set in stone for the game tomorrow there is a TON of controversy about the Patriots balls. Not the guy's balls but the footballs. It is said that the Patriot's deflated their footballs. Some probably don't think that is a big deal, but the weather conditions were not good and it is a lot easier to catch a deflated ball rather than a hard one. Although this is basically cheating it got blown out of proportion and that was all ESPN was talking about, ever. Now it has died down quite a bit and most people are just focusing on the big game tomorrow.

One of the Patriot's balls (not really)
photo courtesy to:
Another huge thing that ESPN has been covering is Marshawn Lynch, the Seahawk's running back. Lynch usually never goes to interviews and if he does he NEVER talks or answers the questions. The NFL told him that if he didn't show up to his press conference he would be fined $500,000. Being the "smart" person he is he decided to show up. Once the reporters started asking him questions his only response was "I'm just here so I don't get fined". Honestly, how annoying is that. I would've just given up. Lynch also went to another press conference and once the reporters started asking questions his only response was shouting out his teammates, Oakland California, his family, and other random things.
Lynch and his annoying signature saying.
photo courtesy to:
Even though all the hype tomorrow is for the Super Bowl, there is a much more important thing happening. It's my grandma's birthday! So stop freaking out about the game and go wish her a happy birthday. 
Also, I forgot! I haven't updated you guys about lacrosse yet! I'll have to make a whole other blog about that because there are already a TON of stories. But, I'll give you guys an overview. We've had quite a few practices so far, my mile time is terrible (I'm working on it), I've made quite a few new friends and gotten closer with old ones, I enjoy my coaches, and I feel like I am improving quite a bit.  We have about a month until our first tournament which is the Best of the West and is held in Vegas. We're going to be getting down to crunch time pretty soon.
 Track has also been on my mind quite a bit. I am still very indecisive on whether I want to do it or not. Many of my friends are going to be doing it and I think it would be a great way to be with them and also stay in shape. We'll just have to see how lacrosse keeps going and if I am willing to make that commitment. 
That's all for now! Stayed tuned for updates on the Super Bowl, lacrosse, and track!

Good luck to the Patriots, Seahawks suck :)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year, New Me?

So basically 2014 flew by and now it's magically 2015. And basically I changed over night. I'm an entirely different person. I don't even think my name is Morgan anymore..
Just kidding! I honestly hate when people say "new year, new me" because no one can change at the snap of a finger. But, I do think people can change over the course of a year. But this is besides the point.
This new year, 2015, I am getting the chance to play on the Park City lacrosse team. I haven't mentioned this before but I have played lacrosse for a couple years and I love it. I realize this is a football blog, but it's also my blog and lacrosse is a big part of my life.
Starting tomorrow, January 8, we have our first official practice. I have mixed emotions. It's always rough starting a new season with new people and different coaches. But I've learned from football that the key is to have a positive mind set and go with the flow. So that is exactly what I am going to do. Also, the good thing about lacrosse is all my girl friends play it. With football it's a lot of fun being with the boys, but it is also very intimidating. Being with the girls is more relaxing (but don't get me wrong some of the girls are very intimidating) and it's nice being able to talk to them if I'm having problems. We'll see how it goes tomorrow and I'll update you guys after !
My friends and I after we won our first playoff game! (last year)

I am also thinking about doing track in the spring on top of lacrosse. It sounds like a lot, and it will be, but I've always wanted to do it and what better time than now? If I do follow through with this little idea of mine I would have track from 3-5 and lacrosse from 5:45-7:45 every day. The reason why I would even think about putting myself through this hell is because I need to work and train on running and what better way than track. I would probably end up running the 100, 200, and throw shot-put (football would help with that). My dad threw in high school and held the state record in California so I have a lot to live up to..
It'll be interesting to see what I decide to do, and all that I hope for is that I am happy doing it. Sports have always been a HUGE part of my life and I hope to incorporate in more throughout the years. I want this year to be the year I have drastic improvement in everything sports, I know it's going to take a lot but I'm willing to put in a lot of time and effort to make this year the best one yet.
Stayed tuned to see what ends up happening!
Peace n' blessins

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Favorite Team Failing to Impress

Oh lord, it has definitely been a crazy last couple of weeks. The week before winter break was hectic with loads of assignments and tests that had to be completed. All I honestly wanted to do was sleep the ENTIRE break. And that's what ended up happening...
But, to be honest the last thing on my mind this break was sports. Let me tell you why..
As you all probably know by now high school football season has ended, which leaves me to watch college and NFL football. Also, as many of you know, my favorite team to have is the San Francisco 49ers. I always love watching them, especially when it gets to playoffs, but that's where the not so good part comes in. They didn't make it.
Last season they did pretty well and easily made it to the playoffs. This year on the other hand they honestly sucked. It seemed like almost all of their starters were injured and on top of all the craziness their coach Jim Harbaugh was being named the new head coach of Michigan. Like honestly what the hell.
Since their season unfortunately came to an end the only thing I am looking forward to is hopefully watching the Seahawks lose. I don't think you understand how much I despise that disgusting team. Their coach irritates me to the point of me wanting to rip my hair out, Richard Sherman wins biggest douche bag in the league (not corner), the rest of the team is full of huge punks that think they're the shit when they've only won one Super Bowl, and their fans are the loudest most obnoxious fans any team has. I just give my heart out to all of those crazy Seahawks fans, I'm sorry you have to cheer for such a disgusting team and stand behind an annoying coach.
Some people that just read that may thing I'm being biased because I like the 49ers and that's their rival team, but I honestly just don't enjoy them one bit. And I am definitely not the person to judge, but if you're a Seahawks fan we are probably not friends and probably will not become friends :)
In the meantime continue to give them bad vibes and hopefully they come out of Sunday's game with a loss!

Me reppin' the west coast and my niners (even though they suck)

PS- if they win the Superbowl two times in a row I really don't know what I'm going to do with myself.